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feel like giving up...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 @ 5:44 AM
Life is so boring :)

thnking about this monday, 17/1/11

Ha ha, I can still remember this exciting, horrifying experience. It was after school, about one and a half hour later, Racheal Tan, Xuan Yun, Joanne and I went out of school to take the bus opposite our school to go to Causeway Point to go popular buy something and eat lunch. At the bus stop, we waited until the bus came, but the bus was full, so we decided to wait for another bus, and it was already raining a little. We waited for a long time, until we could not wait anymore then we saw the rain had stopped, so we decided to wait to Causeway. We were about to walk when the bus in front of our school that could also take us to Causeway but would turn a big circle to reach there came, so we decided to take that bus so we could waste time. We began to run towards the bus, but i did not know why, I suddenly stopped at the middle of the road, with a van charging towards us. I then saw the van coming towards us, so I continued to run towards the bus.
It was very scary, we managed to not meet any accident, we were so lucky! :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 @ 4:28 AM
Life is so boring :)


today so xian lor, nid to finish all weekend homework. my stupid brother, he say we dun look at each other using computer, but a while, he take back his word, but i managed to convince him. going to fb le, bb :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Life is so boring :)

Hello guys, my name is Liang Wei

Hi, my name is apparantly WONG LIANG WEI. I'm 13 years old, and I love math the most. INDEX NO. 41 and this is my blog please enjoy and tag thanks bye.


Tyvm! :)

close to my heart.

PAMELA @ Pamela
YI TING @ Yi Ting
JOSEPHINE @ Josephine
LI YU @ Li Yu
MICHELLE @ Michelle
LI LING (1) @ Li Ling
JOSEPHINE @ Josephine
SIEW EN @ Siew En
JIA MIN @ Jia Min
HUI MIN @ Hui Min
LI LING (2) @ Li Ling
CALISA @ Calisa
MELISA @ Melisa
LI YU @ Li Yu
RACHEL CHEE @ Rachel Chee
REBECCA @ Rebecca
SHADLEEN @ Shadleen
JING YING @ Jing Ying
THEOPHANIA @ Theophania
VANESSA @ Vanessa
YUET YAN @ Yuet Yan
KELVIN @ Kelvin
JING HAN @ Jing Han
IQBAL @ Iqbal
SHUN HUI @ Shun Hui
JIA LE @ Jia Le
TARIF @ Tarif
BRIAN @ Brian
whatever's passed is past.

January 2011
June 2012